Load in several of the players that come pre-rolled on the disk, and load an original of your own. Go sell all their equipment, have them withdraw all monies from the bank, and transfer to you. Create new characters and do the same as often as you need, and you'll have plenty of gold to properly outfit you stalwart band. Here are the answers to some of the questions and riddles you'll be asked while you're rummaging around in the dungeons of faerghail. IN THE ELVEN PALACE Q: Who is Findal's youngest uncle? A: "SCAGNAR" Q: Who is Findal's father? A: "FINDAIL" Q: Who is Findal's great parent? A: "ALGANOR" IN THE DRAGONSERVANT'S TEMPLE Q: What lies between myself and my opposite? A: "AND" IN THE CASTLE Q: What tries to go up, but stops short, has but one foot, and can not walk? A: "STAIRS" IN THE RUINS OF ANCIENT ORACLE Q: The more it gets, the more it eats, and has it eaten all, it dies. What is it? A: "FIRE" Q: I talk without soul, I hear without ears, I talk without mouth, and I'm born in air. What am i? A:"ECHO" Q: Two little windows, they have no glass, they stand together like flowers in grass. Two little windows, they show us the world, they show us the stars, the forest, the field, the fold. What could they be? A:"EYES"